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Humans are believers of hope. When the world is at its    darkest, people always hope that sooner or later, dawn will break. But with hope, comes expectation, and sometimes, we expect a miracle to       suddenly solve all our troubles. Many people spend their time, waiting for their luck to blossom and a sudden    opportunity to arise, for their “wings” to unfurl, so that they can fly. We are not birds, and certainly not angels! But that doesn’t entail that we should stop dreaming about our flights to fantasy! And to be on wings!!

If we are to fly, we can’t expect our “wings” to just unfurl one day, to carry us to our destination. It takes time. There are no substitutes for diligence and tenacity. We need to build our own wings of flight, bit by bit. It’s going to be our hard work, which will work as the feathers. We should focus on building up our skills and developing our personality, instead of waiting around lazily for the opportune moment, which might never come!

It is said that ability is of little account, without opportunity. But we might never be able to make use of the said     opportunity, when it arises, if we don’t acquire the skills required for it. We are not born with “wings” nor will they appear one day, but we have to painstakingly create them, in order to fly.

To conclude, I would like to quote a line from a wonderful and didactic poem of H.W. Longfellow, “The Ladder of St. Augustine.”

“The heights by great men reached and kept
Were not attained by sudden flight,
But they, while their companions slept,
Were toiling upward in the night.”
